Step by step into freedom..
Before we start with your individual kite schooling program, we meet you in a personal and comfortable atmosphere (beach bar, bar, restaurant) or right in your hostel or hotel. Then we can introduce ourselves and can get to know you, your skills, experiences, and needs in respect of kitesurfing. This easy conversation is about getting to know your personal circumstances, e.g. other sports you do, your kitesurfing level, pervious injuries, and possible fears or expectations.
Now we can get your personal kite course on!
The first session starts with some theoretical knowledge about kitesurfing, e.g. getting to know the equipment, rules, wind etc... These basics make dealing with the kite easier for you during the course of the program. The theoretical basics adhere to the guidelines of IKO.
We teach you via radio communication, so we are with you all the time to support, improve, and accompany you while you are gliding over the water or other exercises.
The practical part of the course starts with the building up of the kite and with the controlling of the equipment. The first flights and experiences with controlling and directing the kite take place on the beach. You get to know the " wind window " step by step. During this basic practical part you learn about the safety system and the different climate and wind conditions.
You learn certain moves before the first contact with the kite to make it easier for you later on.
In the next step, you learn how to control yourself and with the kite in motion. We check every single move of your body step-by-step to make sure you understand which parts of your body have to act at which time and in what way. We start with the neutral position and go through every single flight move.
Now it`s time to get into the water ...
The first exercise in the water is the "bodydrag". The bodydrag is one of the basic elements in kitesurfing, which makes you feel the development in the power of the kite without any danger. Furthermore, it is a necessary technique in kitesurfing , e.g. to reach your lost kite board later on.
After having learned the bodydrag, you get used to the kite board. This part is about gliding over the water, which guarantees a feeling of freedom. The introduction of the position of the board and the body posture takes place on the beach to make sure that you are able to direct the board and the kite in the water later on. After that you learn the waterstart and surfing with the board and the kite in the water.
The next exercises and steps of the course program are about gaining confidence in turning left and right and controlling the upwind direction. That means that you always arrive wherever you want to and are able to easily get back to the area from where you started.
Of course, we also offer advanced courses for every level and desire. It doesn`t matter if you want to practice basic exercises or flight excercises, a freestyle course, a surfboard (strapless) course, or would just like to freshen up your skills.